
The PLG Glossary

The PLG Glossary



Definition of




Whitepapers are authoritative reports or guides that educate readers on a particular topic or issue. They are usually written by subject matter experts and are used to present information in a detailed and objective manner, helping readers to understand complex concepts or problems. In the context of digital marketing, whitepapers are often used as lead magnets to collect contact information from potential customers. Companies create whitepapers that address a specific problem or pain point that their target audience may be facing. By offering the whitepaper as a free download in exchange for the reader's contact information, the company can begin to nurture the lead and potentially convert them into a customer. For example, a software company may create a whitepaper on the benefits of using cloud-based solutions for small businesses. The whitepaper would contain detailed information and research to support the benefits of cloud-based solutions, and would likely include case studies and success stories from existing customers.