
The PLG Glossary

The PLG Glossary


User Feedback

Definition of

User Feedback

User Feedback

User Feedback

User feedback refers to the opinions, comments, and suggestions provided by customers or users of a product or service. It is a tool used by businesses to gather valuable insights from their target audience about their experience with a product or service. User feedback can be collected through various channels such as surveys, feedback forms, social media, and online reviews. This feedback is crucial for businesses to improve their product or service, fix any issues, and optimize the user experience. It can help businesses identify areas that need improvement and implement changes that align with the needs and preferences of their target audience. For example, a restaurant may ask customers for feedback on their menu, ambiance, and service. They can use this feedback to alter their menu, improve their service, and make the overall dining experience more enjoyable for their customers. Similarly, an e-commerce website may ask customers for feedback on their website design, product selection, and checkout process to optimize their website and increase conversions.

Insights shared by customers or users about their experience using your product.