
The PLG Glossary

The PLG Glossary


Sales Operations

Definition of

Sales Operations

Sales Operations

Sales Operations

Sales operations refer to the processes and strategies that a company puts in place to manage and optimize their sales activities. It involves the coordination of people, processes, and technology to drive revenue growth and improve the overall efficiency of the sales function. The goal of sales operations is to streamline the sales process, from lead generation to closing deals, by providing the sales team with the necessary tools, resources, and support to succeed.

Examples of sales operations include:

  • Developing a sales process that aligns with the buyer's journey and helps sales reps move leads through the sales funnel.

  • Implementing sales enablement tools, such as CRM software or sales automation platforms, to improve efficiency and productivity.

  • Creating sales metrics and KPIs to measure performance and identify areas for improvement.

  • Conducting regular sales training and coaching sessions to improve the skills and knowledge of the sales team.

  • Building efficient sales territories and compensation plans to motivate sales reps and drive revenue growth.