
The PLG Glossary

The PLG Glossary


Product-Led Sales (PLS)

Definition of

Product-Led Sales (PLS)

Product-Led Sales (PLS)

Product-Led Sales (PLS)

Product-Led Sales (PLS) is a modern sales approach that is centered around the product itself. This approach focuses on providing value to the customer by showing them the benefits and features of the product and letting them experience it firsthand. With PLS, the product is the main driver of the sales process, and the sales team acts as a guide to help customers understand how the product can solve their problems and meet their needs. PLS has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in the software industry. Companies such as Slack, Dropbox, and Zoom have successfully implemented product-led sales strategies, resulting in rapid growth and increased revenue. In PLS, the sales team focuses on providing the customer with a seamless onboarding experience, helping them understand how to use the product, and showing them the value it can bring to their business. This approach puts the customer at the center of the sales process, resulting in a more personalized and effective sales experience.