
The PLG Glossary

The PLG Glossary


A/B Testing

Definition of

A/B Testing

A/B Testing

A/B Testing

A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage or app to determine which one performs better. In this process, two different versions of a website or app are shown to different users, and their behavior is monitored to determine which one performs better. This approach allows marketers to test and optimize their digital marketing campaigns to maximize conversions, click-through rates, and other key metrics. For example, a marketer might create two versions of a landing page, one with a red call-to-action button and the other with a green call-to-action button. By using A/B testing, the marketer can determine which version of the landing page performs better, and then use that version to optimize the campaign for better performance. A/B testing is an essential tool for digital marketers looking to optimize their campaigns and drive better results.